Operation Candy Detox: Day 5

Me - 4, Candy -1

What happened, you ask? A dirty martini happened.
Last night we took my grandma out for dinner. Right when we arrived I spotted the jar full of peppermints, and before even thinking about it I grabbed one and popped it in my mouth. When I realized what I had done, I said with horror, "Oh no! This is candy!" My husband looked at me and said, "That was the most dramatic response I have ever heard from someone about eating candy." That was before the dirty martini.
For some reason since starting this candy/sugar detox, I have also been craving a dirty martini. I saw someone drinking one last Friday evening and it looked delightful, so I thought that the next time I went out I would order one. And I did. It was delightful. So we ate dinner and I felt satisfied. No candy craving at all... until we got home. The alcohol from the martini got the best of me and I remembered that I had dark chocolate hidden in my secret space (now that I am older, I hide candy from myself, not other people, so I will not be as tempted). I thought, "well crap, I already broke my streak with the stupid peppermint, so let's make this worth it." So I ate two squares of the chocolate. Do I regret this decision? Absolutely not. Was it worth breaking my 3 day streak? Absolutely. Did I also eat more chocolate pudding? You bet.
That was yesterday. Today is a new day and I have not had any candy. Four out of five days is not bad, right?

The lesson learned from these 5 day candy detox senseless posts? When it comes to diet, or pretty much anything else,  it does not have to be all or nothing. Everything in moderation. I have to admit that my candy habit is out of control, but having a piece (or two) of candy only one day out of five is moderate, and that's a good start to changing my habit.

Sound bite: How about you try to go on a 5 day detox of some kind and see how well you do.


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