Sugar Detox Update

Bite This: A Classic coca-cola has the same amount of sugar as two and a half Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts.

I bet you thought that I forgot that I was doing a sugar detox  and that I was just going to let it slide, huh? Well I didn’t forget, but it hasn’t been pretty.  I was doing well until last Saturday night. My husband and I went out with some friends to a fancy dinner, drank some wine, and then it happened. My husband ordered an amazing looking chocolate torte of some kind. I had a bite and left it at that. Not too bad. But then we went home, continued the party, and I dove right into the bag of bite-sized Starbursts that my husband made me purchase for him earlier that day. As if that wasn’t enough, I did it again on Sunday night. BUT, other than that, I have been relatively good. Oh, except on Saturday when I made banana bread and ate half the loaf. That may as well have been a cookie it was so sugary and buttery (and delicious). But besides that, I really have been good! Shoot, then there was the time on Wednesday when I was making my husband chocolate chip pancakes for dinner (because that’s how we roll at my house) and I may have had a few hundred tablespoons of chocolate chips. But, really, besides that I haven’t had any other sugar. Oh except for today when I baked cookies...again. I really have been doing so much better during the week and going 5 days in between sugar binges. That’s progress!

What kinds of things in your diet would you give up to be healthier?

This really all started when I began acupuncture a few weeks ago. The acupuncturist prescribed a diet for me, which of course, limits sugar, carbohydrates, and alcohol. I cannot say I have been doing a great job following the diet, but I am eating less sugar overall than before I started! She also eliminated diet soda from my diet and I haven’t had one since I started the acupuncture.

I know that I have discussed acupuncture on this blog before, but my experience now is so much different than before, so I’ll be writing about that soon! Stay tuned.

Sound Bite:  Try to eliminate one unhealthy food/drink in your diet for 3 days this week. 


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