Even Willy Wonka thinks I'm Crazy!

Bite This: In the US, the average added sugar consumption is 42 grams per day! That’s a lot of sugar.
Looks like it’s that time again! Right before the holidays, but it has to be done. It’s sugar detox time! Too many days of comfort eating, too many days of baking cookies, and too many days of just not caring has led to way too much sugar consumption. If you follow my Instagram, you are well aware that one of my favorite hobbies is drinking wine and baking cookies. The wine obviously decreases my inhibitions and I tend to eat way more than I mean to, and that's before I even bake the cookies.  I cannot help that I am an expert with sugar and butter, and my cookies taste like gooey amazing-ness, but this has gotten out of hand.
I recently started paying attention to my diet and I discovered (again) that I eat something sweet every single day. This is really not a surprise as this is exactly what spurred my last sugar detox. Last week and the week before that, I ate chocolate, frozen yogurt, or a cookie every day of the week and even more on Friday nights and Saturdays. When it’s not candy or a cookie, it’s chocolate chips right out of the bag. I cannot imagine what this has been doing to my insulin levels. It’s time to clean up this act. So starting today, it’s sugar detox time. (Technically, I am on day 3 since I drafted this post.) However, let’s be clear about one thing – this doesn’t include wine or naturally occurring sugar like in fruits.
I also discovered that accountability is a huge motivating factor for me. So I’ll be accountable on this blog because GMOE is more of an enabler than anything else. I think the last sugar detox lasted 5 days. Let’s see how long this will last! Usually if I get through the first few days, the cravings stop and I can last a while, but it’s just getting through the first few days…

Sound bite: How about you clean up your diet with me? We’ll make it a party!


  1. I haven't gotten a chance to read your blog for a while but strangely, I started feeling really guilty about my sugar intake and paying more attention to it and trying to curb the massive amounts I am consuming everyday. I am struggling. A LOT. Have you found any good swaps when you are feeling sugar cravings? PS Obviosuly this is not Griffin but I can't figure out how to change to my profile. ;0)

  2. WHoa! It's been a while since you wrote this, but I've been too busy eating sugar to respond. Obviously, I have not found great sugar swaps or I would have mastered this by now! One thing that did help was either fruit (apple or pear usually did the trick), or plain Greek yogurt with sweetener, cinnamon, and a tiny bit of granola. It's still not the same...


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