It's That Time of Year Again.

Bite This: March is National Nutrition Month! I have been celebrating all month long by eating healthy and exercising. Oh wait...

What kind of dietitian would I be if I did not write about National Nutrition Month every year? I already mentioned Registered Dietitian Day which just coincidentally (or not so much) happens to fall in March every year.
The theme of this year's National Nutrition Month is "Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right." The point of this year's theme is that apparently tastes trump eating healthy foods when it comes to consumers. In an effort to help people regularly consume healthy foods, this year's focus is on how to combine great taste with these healthy foods.

So my question to you is how do you make healthy foods taste amazing? (Without adding butter, chocolate, or frying it, of course!)

Sound Bite: Try a new recipe this week and tweak it to make it healthier! I am making falafel tomorrow night for dinner, but baking it instead of frying, and using lots of vegetables and hummus.

Other posts about National Nutrition Month:
March Madness!!
A Day Just For Me!
National Nutrition Month


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