To Run or Not to Run...
Just a little update on my running injury because I know you're all dying to know what's going to happen with the half marathon. (Like how I double linked one sentence?) After my post on my running injury, that 10 mile run did not happen. I got through the first mile limping, and eventually the pain became bearable. I got through 6 miles before deciding that I was probably making things worse and should stop. So I did. I have not been able to get through that first mile since then. I've only cried about it once a day every day (not really).
The only way I've been making it through is by doing the elliptical at the gym instead. Not nearly as fun, not nearly as cool, and not nearly as hardcore. Here's to hoping that my 10 day vacation (and rest from running) will heal my sartorius or whatever muscle, so I can get at least get in half shape for the 1/2 marathon. Six weeks to go!
(Side note: my crazy friend who decided to run the 1/2 marathon with me is starting to experience the same symptoms - starting with the tight hip flexor. We're going to look like a pair of pansies out there!)
As the saying on my softest T-shirt goes, "Keep calm and run along!"
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