Is it even real?
Bite this: According to Bettina Siegel in Kid Food - The Challenge of Feeding Children in a Highly Processed World, on any given school day, the average maximum amount of sugar a child can consume is 25 teaspoons per day! That is a lot of sugar! And that doesn't take into account the other crap they consume like chips, breads, goldfish crackers, etc. Which brings me to the point of this - what are we even eating? Is it even real? Short answer is no. I became a dietitian for reasons described in earlier posts, but really because we get tremendous benefits from food if we treat it like medicine and so many of us (including myself most times) don't. There are lots of occassions to eat and enjoy food and that hasn't changed in all of history. But what has changed is the amount of non-food ingredients added to real foods or even just made-up foods. I have written about this a time or two, including this one . I am convinced this is what is causing us to be overfed and underno