A New Endeavor
Bite This: It's been over 365 days since I've been on this thing.
Wow, it's been a hot minute. 'Cause you know, Covid. I feel as though we could end every sentence, every excuse, everything that's been happening over the past year + this way. That's not really the whole reason why I left. Kids, life, becoming a stay at home mom, and covid. Let me tell you, if you're ever trying out staying at home with kids, don't try during a global pandemic.
I am back mostly because I have become re-ignited. One of my dear friends and an amazing dietitian with whom I used to work and I recently got together and decided we wanted to start something. We want to inspire people. Just like Jerry Maguire - "didn't have a breakdown, I had a breakthrough." The scene from Jerry Maguire kept running through my head "it's not a memo!"
I mean I articulated it pretty well in my very first blog post in 2012 - "The entire reason I became a dietitian is because I find the human body to be a fascinating, complex mechanism...Food and water is a basic human need and nutrients obtained through food and water is all it takes for our bodies to operate. To understand how something so simple can fuel something so complex is captivating to me. And yet, many of us live to eat instead of eat to live."
We have come so far from what is real and what isn't in many ways, but also with food. The thing is we evolve. Our bodies can adapt to this so called food that we put into our bodies, but it does not mean that it benefits us. And the time it takes for our bodies to evolve is a lot longer than the time it takes to come up with some new food or additive or "food-like" substance. Research (among other things) has shown us that plants do more for our bodies than anything else. But research (among other things) has also shown us that eating mostly plants does not fit the lifestyle for most people.
So my friend and I have a brilliant plan to educate. Educate people on the basics of nutrition but in sort of an evolved way. Meeting people where they are at. Taking what they need (nutritionally and education-wise) and leaving the rest. Trying to improve the quality of what people eat, and if weight loss occurs, it is a bonus. My beef with educating people though is that many think they already know what they need to know and aren't interested. But there's so much more to it. Like any research there are so many confounding factors - genetics, diseases, age, gender...there's no one plan fits all. Not everyone can just eat plants and feel good. What about those with IBD? Or those with other illnesses or on medications that have to avoid certain vegetables? Or those with allergies?
Our basic thought for our new endeavor is that every individual is unique. You have to meet people where they are at. But everyone can enhance the quality of their diet, no matter their size, age, gender, etc.
My passion is for people to realize that food is medicine. Food can be better than medicine. Food can prevent, heal, and cure. Food can cost less than medicine. Food can be the very thing that helps you well in mind and body. And you don't have to change your entire lifestyle to reap the benefits.
That's it. That's all I want. If you want to join us on our endeavor, you can join our nutrition course or weight management course. Contact me for more info.
And now, I leave you with this quote from Jerry Maguire "Chances are, I didn't say much. I might have told you "it's easy" or " you're not working hard enough." Chances are, I said something that you expected, maybe even wanted to hear. But it wasn't the truth, and it wasn't what I felt. And if you ever wondered about the drawbacks of being quiet about important things, talk to yourself in the mirror some time, say the truth. Yell the truth to yourself, when no one is listening. See how good it feels?"
The end.
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