Take 2
And action!
So my last post was about this crazy half marathon I was training for. I got the medal, I just didn't run the race.
My friend and I, we'll call her B, did our last training run...10 miles. Up hill in the snow both ways. For reals though, it didn't seem too tough. We were ready. Race day was a week away. That evening I received a text from B. "I just fell down the stairs and am in urgent care. Nasty fall. Keep your fingers crossed."
Nasty fall for sure - fractured her L3 vertebrae and lucky she didn't slice open her head and/or die. In solidarity and fear of dying from shear boredom of running 13 miles by myself, I didn't run either. We switched to "virtual runners" and picked up our medals. Thanks, covid, this is a thing now.
Well B is a Rockstar and only 4 weeks later, we were back to walking on the track. After a week or two of that she said, "screw this" and we were back to running. We're currently training for another half and I feel as though this time around my body is resisting. I can hear it saying "hey, you just did this, stop!" And "you're almost 40 woman, what are you doing?"
But lucky for B, I am no quitter. Her husband was quite baffled at why we were starting all over in our training, "are you aiming for faster times?" "Are you going longer distances?" No, Carl, we're not. We're just wearing down and that's what our bodies need.
Know your limit, folks. Like I said before, it's a mental game. The best therapy. B had the perfect shirt for me, "please grant me coffee to change the things I can, and a long run to help me accept the things I can't"
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