Twin Truths

Bite This: Literally bite this.

This post is one of those that will focus on parenting twins. Because I don’t have any inspiring thoughts about fitness and nutrition right now.

Before I write this, I must add the disclaimer that I am merely an amateur when it comes to parenting, let alone parenting twins. It hasn’t even been 2 years, but I feel like I can decipher out some of the truths from myths.

Myth #1: They will be best friends. I do not remember the last time I bit, shoved, or hit my best friend. I also do not remember the last time I purposely pinned her behind a cabinet door.

Truth #1: Twins fight. A lot.

Myth #2: They will have a lot of the same characteristics.

Truth #2: They can and likely will be complete opposites. One feels all the feels while the other can self-soothe relatively easily with a thumb in the mouth.

Myth #3: They will play together.

Truth #3: For one, they’re likely still too young to actually play together, but even parallel play usually results in mom or dad as a referee. And two, when one gets bored, he goes over to the other to demolish whatever tower he just built with the blocks.  This is not playing together. And parallel play is pushing it. Mom or dad usually has to be within reach or earshot to break up any fights.

Myth #4: It gets easier after 18 months.

Truth #4: What?! I wish I had known how easy it was at 3 months when they slept a ton and couldn’t move. After 18 months, they’re curious little beings and are into everything. Even smart enough to figure out the toddler proof cabinet locks. The only time they work as team: one opens the lock while the other distracts mom and dad.

While they may not play together now and they may fight constantly, here’s to hoping one day they will be best friends. They are complete opposites which is the best thing because they are individuals and have their own unique characteristics. And I can only deal with one who feels all the feels.
We’ll see what happens when we add #3 to the chaos.

Sound bite: What are other myths/truths you know about twins? 


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