My babies are all growns up

Bite This: Four months can seem so long and so short at the same time.

Holy cow, where does the time go? My boys are practically grown and moving out of the house already. I mean, they can barely hold their heads up, but they're already young men!
For real, where does the time go? It seems like so long ago when I was in the hospital, but at the same time it seems like just last week we were bringing the boys home from the NICU. I still have the same oh-shit-what-do-we-do-with-them mentality that I did then, but at least I am more confident now that I can at least keep them alive.
People always say to not compare your children to other children the same age, but it's hard not to. And it's especially hard to remember that premature infants develop at a slower rate than infants born at term. So in my mind, at 4 months, my boys should be able to hold their heads up, roll over, and shave their mustaches by now! Raising twins has obviously not taught me any patience yet.
Four months ago on the 16th and 17th, our lives were changed forever (and yes, they have different birthdays - how cool is that?). I cannot wait (but actually I can because I want time to slow down) for the next 4 months and the milestones that will be accomplished. Right now they are smiling and laughing, and hating tummy time. They will sleep for 5-6 hours at a stretch, but still get up once a night and way too early in the morning. They are completely different, but also very similar.
One of my friends always asks me if I gravitate toward one more than the other. I kind of thought I would in a way, but it really is true - I love them both the same and in their own ways.
So here's to the next 4 months - hopefully more smiles and laughter and definitely more sleep!


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