Where ya been?

I think my grandma has been getting more action than this blog. And by "action" I mean attending Bingo games.

I suppose I took a summer vacation from this blog. I'd say I've been uninspired to write anything of any significance. (Not that my other posts are really all that significant...) Don't get me wrong, I still love learning and writing about nutrition, health, and exercise. It just seems like every day there is a headline about a new study that disproves everything I just mentioned about a certain food, nutrient, or diet. It's frustrating, but understandable.  It is really difficult to conduct solid research on nutrition as so many factors play into whatever the topic is. For instance, one of the most recent headlines is that there is now a link with diet soda and being obese/overweight and diabetes. Sure, they have been saying that for a while now connecting diet sodas with an increased desire for sweet foods, but now there is research that artificial sweeteners may change gut microbia in a way that can lead to diabetes. And what we as dietitians have been telling those people who are trying to lose weight is that diet sodas are better than regular and that any risk with drinking artificial sweeteners is not as great as obesity. See what I mean? I feel as though it discredits dietitians and everything that we say.  But there are also so many other potential factors that play a role that every study ends with, "more research needs to be conducted to determine if blah, blah, blah." It can become frustrating enough to not say anything about anything. Really, everything can be summed up by Michael Pollan as In Defense of Food, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." There. My job is done.

The other reason (and probably more realistic reason) why I have been uninspired to write is because I have not been living the most healthful lifestyle myself. And if I cannot practice what I preach, why preach? There's a good reason why I have not been exercising lately, but I notice that when I don't exercise, I start eating junk too. Exercise helps me choose healthier foods so that I don't undo all of the hard work I just did. When I am not exercising, there's nothing to undo. And if there's nothing to undo, why not have a doughnut, or candy corn, or another dinner out? It's been fun, but I really miss running. I really miss feeling like I accomplished something.

So, until things turn around, my visits here may be infrequent. But I will be back! I have tons of other things to write about that do not relate to nutrition but that may be for another day...or another blog.


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