Being Real or Being Real Grumpy?

Bite This: Approximately 32.4% of women become grumpy once they hit the big 3-0.

After reading my most recent blog posts, my father brought to my attention that I am becoming a "grumpy old woman." I thought that in order to become a "grumpy old man/woman" you would need to write several letters to the editor of the local newspaper about current events that piss you off and have those letters published on a bi-monthly basis. Am I wrong, dad? ;) In all fairness, I guess my posts are becoming a little more cynical. Oops - I guess this 80 year-old woman trapped inside my body made her debut! (I knew those couldn't be my knees cracking all of the time!) I'll work on keeping her quiet as long as I get some new questions and material to work with here.
Just to turn this "grumpiness" around, here's what I am loving right now!

1. Brussels sprouts. They're so good for you and contain so many nutrients that I do not even know where to begin. Eat them raw, steamed, roasted.... delicious! I like to roll them around in a little olive oil, add garlic salt and roast them in the oven at 350 for about 40 minutes. My mom has also been making an amazing salad  made of brussels sprouts and kale. Just don't over-do it (maybe that's only me who eat's too many brussels sprouts?) or you'll experience digestive symptoms that no one should have to experience.

2. Sweet potatoes. I could eat one every day. I pretty much do. Just steam it in the microwave, add spray butter and cinnamon and you've got yourself a snack! Sweet potatoes are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene and potassium, and fiber. You can also make sweet potato fries in the oven which are also amazing - just cut the potato in wedges, add a little olive oil and chili powder or salt and pepper, and bake at 375 for about 40 minutes.

3. Plain Greek yogurt with natural peanut butter. Sounds kinda gross, but my friend turned me onto this one when she said that she loves it. Greek yogurt is crammed with protein (more than triple what regular yogurt contains - 8 oz of regular yogurt is ~ 6.5 grams of protein compared to 8 oz of Greek yogurt which is 22 grams of protein) plus tons of calcium.  The plain yogurt contains a lot less sugar than the flavored kinds and the peanut butter adds extra protein and creaminess.

4. Bananas. For some reason, I cannot get enough bananas recently. Maybe since I have been running more I am craving the potassium, but I have been adding bananas to everything. Potassium is an essential nutrient needed for many processes in the human body. My favorite is microwaving banana and peanut butter and topping it with a little oatmeal. Great breakfast.

5. Chocolate Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Holy yum. I have to add something sweet to this list! I ate half of a box of this cereal in one day. No joke. I wouldn't recommend it because 3/4 cup contains 130 calories, but it was so worth it. Not really sure what kind of nutrients it contains since my box is already gone, but I am sure it is fortified with some iron or B-vitamins of some kind.

What are you loving to eat these days?

What is your favorite cereal?

Sound bite: If you want something sweet to eat, I dare you to try this cereal. 


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