Friday Night Spice vol. 2: Turmeric

Bite This: Turmeric is a spice grown in India and other tropical regions of Asia. Turmeric has been used for years as an anti-inflammatory agent in India and China.

So let me just say right away that this "Friday Night Spice" blog special is not going to last long. Apparently last week I just really wanted to write about cinnamon and I thought I was onto something writing about spices. However, I am one to admit when I don't know a lot about something and I don't know jack about spices - except for cinnamon. And turmeric.

What do you make with turmeric?

If you have not heard a lot about turmeric, maybe you have heard more about curcumin? Curcumin is thought to be the active ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin is an anti-oxidant that has been found to be anti-carcinogenic in some animal studies. Of course, you cannot extrapolate animal studies to humans, but there's something to be said for it, and there are currently some clinical trials examining the effects of curcumin in humans. Research for curcumin is underway to also determine its effects in Alzheimer's, arthritis and stomach ulcers.

Curcumin is used mostly as an anti-inflammatory agent and sometimes prescribed to help with arthritis and swelling of joints. In india and Malaysia there is a custom of making a turmeric paste and applying it directly to the skin. This is currently being studied as a way to prevent skin cancer.

When looking for alternatives to medicine, you should always be cautious about supplements only because they usually contain high doses of whatever is in them. Consuming curcumin and spices in foods is generally safe, but in supplements, it may not be so safe.

That being said, this is a great recipe from Eating Well containing turmeric. (Click on the link.)

Sound Bite: Try making one thing this week containing turmeric. I dare you.

Okay, so yes, "Friday Night Spice" is kinda boring and not so spicy. That's another reason why it will not be a blog special. Unless I run out of material. What are you doing on your Friday night?


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