Yesterday I went on a long run and thought about what to write in this post to celebrate my blog's first birthday. I wrote it all out in my head - and completely forgot to write it on my blog. I missed my blog's first birthday yesterday. And now I cannot remember what I had written in my head either.
In other news, it's a new year! Welcome 2013!

What are your resolutions for this year? Did you make any?

I read somewhere the other day that to make a blog successful, you need to get personal. (I might have made that up, but it's pretty vivid in my mind, so I'm going to go with that I read that somewhere.) Yes, this blog is about health and nutrition, but maybe it's time I got a little personal and made the information more applicable to everyday life. I'll ease into that personal stuff by checking off my 2012 New Year's resolutions for you (because I know you'll read my blog more often knowing my 2012 resolutions because it'll make the blog much more interesting). Or I can just roll up sleeves, get my hands dirty and revamp the blog to make it more appealing. Until then, you are welcome.

1. Start a blog. Check.
2. Get a new job. Check.
3. Expand my social circle. Does starting a book club count? Check.
4. Floss every day. Um, oops.

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the number one New Year's resolution for Americans in 2012 was to lose weight. How'd that work out for you?

Speaking of weight loss, there's a new diet out there called the 8 hour diet. Basically, you eat whatever you want, but for 3 days a week you eat only in an 8 hour time span. Sounds pretty stupid to me, but the premise is that if you fast for 16 hours your body then starts burning fat.
I am pretty sure that yesterday I had already scarfed down 600 calories in a two-hour time span. Multiply that by 4 and I would have eaten 2400 calories - probably much more than in in a typical day, but if I only had 8 hours to eat, I would have made those 8 hours count. Plus, I started eating at 7:45 am, so I would have had to stop eating at 3:45 pm. No, thanks.

I have not made any resolutions for 2013...yet. Maybe I'll try that flossing thing out again.

Happy New Year!


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