Tube Feeding Malfunction

Bite This: Founding director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center and HuffPost Blogger, David Katz, M.D., M.P.H., FACPM, FACP, has a rule of thumb when it comes to assessing the validity of a diet:  "If it's not something a parent can share with a child, it is apt to be a very questionable approach."

Have you heard of the latest fad for brides wanting to lose weight? It seems like it has been everywhere recently and it completly boggles my mind why someone would want to do this to themselves. Working in a hospital that treats many critically ill patients, this seems absolutely absurd to me. Women are voluntarily having a nasogastric feeding tube placed to help limit their caloric intake and induce weight loss. These women are taking in ~800 calories per day - without carbohydrates- for 10 days through this feeding tube. Hmm... I can think of a thousand reasons why this is completely ridiculous and a million better ways to lose weight quickly. And if you are one of these brides reading this, what the hell are you thinking? The weight is going to come right back on during the honeymoon anyway.
I am all for wanting to lose weight for the "big day" to be healthier and more confident, but there are several ways to go about this before resorting to a freakin' feeding tube. On average couples are engaged for about 12-18 months according to This allows an ample amount of time for a safe weight loss regimen and a regimen that will help keep the weight off - even after the honeymoon. Even if the engagement is only 5 weeks long, there are STILL healthier ways to accomplish this task. I mean what is going on in one's mind when they realize, "oh, is in 11 days, I need to lose weight." What the hell were they doing the other 11 months and 19 days?
Maybe I am being a little too cynical about this whole process, but I see patients with nasogastric feeding tubes every day. Patients who are dying from cancer and rely on this method as the ONLY way to get nutrition. They would give anything to be able to eat real food and have the tube removed. So to voluntarily insert a tube through your nose and down to your stomach to restict your calorie intake seems just silly. Why not just eat 800 calories per day of food if you're that desperate? I am sure 3 protein shakes per day would do the same trick. Still not healthy, but better than undergoing a medical procedure to limit your calorie intake. And who are the doctors that are agreeing to perform this procedure of inserting the tube? Really? You approve of this? For a wedding!?
It just seems silly to me, that's all.

"I am going to look great for my wedding!"


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