What happened to 2013?!

Bite This: According to Statisticbrain.com (think it's accurate?), the top five New Year's resolutions for 2014 include:
  • lose weight
  • get organized
  • spend less, save more
  • enjoy life to the fullest (kinda vague)
  • stay fit and healthy
How does your New Year's resolution stack up?

Let's recap 2013. Did you set any resolutions last year? I believe my resolutions can be found here. Oh wait... looks like I got a little lazy last year and slacked on posting on the blog as well as setting any New Year's resolutions. Probably because I kicked ass on my 2012 New Year's resolutions.Well, according to Statistic Brain, I am not alone -38% of Americans never make New Year's resolutions. I did mention something about flossing, but let's get real - I just don't floss regularly and probably never will, so I'm going to knock that off my New Year's resolution list permenantly. (It's gross, I know.)
So, here's to a new year. Let's set some resolutions!

1. Figure out my "grown up" life plan.

2. Run at least one more 1/2 marathon. I've got this one and this one picked out already. If all goes well, I may even do a full marathon by October 2014!  

3. Kick my sugar addiction. (It's gotten to be a real problem. Doesn't end well with the whole "no flossing" thing.)

4. Bake less, cook more. I LOVE to bake -cookies, cakes, breads, anything sweet - but I also LOVE to eat what I bake, even if it's just the raw dough. So, I am going to focus less on baking and more on cooking so my sweet husband can eat something nourishing for dinner instead of rice krispie treats.

5. To go along with #4 - plan out weekly dinners each week instead of blindly going to the grocery store and discovering that I am missing one ingredient EVERY time I start to make dinner.

6. Drink less alcohol! (This one starts tomorrow.) My liver will thank me.

7. FOCUS ON THE PRESENT!! My mind is constantly racing, unable to focus on one thing and I am terrible about thinking of the future or re-living the past. I need to just focus on the present and soak it all in. Because just as quickly as 2014 arrived, it will pass.

Yes, these are superficial New Year's resolutions, but I won't feel as badly about not making them happen if they're superficial. If I made a resolution such as "volunteer more" or "be more selfless" I'll feel badly about the outcome when I am writing a recap on 2014. However, speaking of, I would like to get involved in Girls on the Run. It seems like such a great program and combines my passion for running with doing something good. We'll see how that pans out.

What resolutions have you made for 2014?


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