Thirst Quenchers

Bite This: 

  • About 70% of the human body is made up of water. 
  • According to a study in Archives of Diseases in Childhood, more than 70% of pre-school children never drink just plain water.
  • Mild dehydration can slow the metabolism as much as 3%.
A human can go several days without food but not without water, and yet drinking water is frequently overlooked. Water is crucial for keeping the body regulated especially when mid-summer temperatures reach a ridiculous high. Some common signs of dehydration include increased heart rate, low blood pressure, nausea, fatigue, headaches and reduced mental acuity.
I am often asked about how many glasses of water one should drink per day. And while eight glasses per day does seem to be sufficient for most people, you can actually get a better estimation by evaluating your urine. Urinating frequently-every 2-3 hours - and urine that is pale in color is a good indication that the body is getting a sufficient amount of fluid. Drinks that contain caffeine are often times avoided because of the hype that caffeine acts as a diuretic and causes dehydration. While water is the best fluid to consume, even drinks that contain caffeine will still provide fluid for your body. Just make sure that you consume other fluids in addition to caffeine containing ones.
Certain foods also contain more water than others and consuming these foods help regulate your fluid levels. These foods include:
1. Watermelon - ~91% water and contains a phytochemical called lycopene which may help reduce risk of prostate cancer
2. Cucumber - the hydration quality of cucumbers is known to be good for the skin
3. Lettuce - ~96% water and contains vitamins C and K, folate and full of antioxidants. Choose dark green leafy lettuce versus ice-berg.
4. Grapefruit - ~90% water and contains vitamin C plus other antioxidants including lycopene.
5. Broccoli -~89% water and packs in vitamin C, calcium, iron and fiber
6. Cantaloupe - high in potassium which along with sodium helps regulate fluid in the body

Sound bite: Try eating at least one of these foods every day this week.


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